Helpful resources

Many families/ students are tempted to buy stickers to put on the piano keys that tell you what the key is.  This can become an issue when students rely on this instead of learning the names of the keys and notes on the staff.  Instead, I recommend practicing using some of the apps below that focus on note and key identification.  If you really feel having the notes on the keys will help, I recommend a removable option that you can use occasionally for learning new songs such as these Removable Piano Labels, or for studying the keys such as this Piano Note Chart .

Alfred Premiere Piano  Online Assistant Videos

Level 1a    Level 1b

Level 2a Level 2b

Levels 3-6

Piano Maestro app for iPad

(Free for students with my paid studio subscription)

Can be used to practice with the Alfred Premiere series as well as many other songs and exercises.  

Noterush app for Apple, Android, and Kindle Fire

QR codes for Alfred Premiere custom levels:

Level 1a Level 1b

            Level 2a   Level 2b

Staff wars is a fun and inexpensive way to practice notes on the staff and can be purchased for android or iOS devices.

Flashnote Derby is a versatile app with various settings for learning note names.  It includes several instructional videos as well.

Rhythm Swing is a great app for learning both simple and complex rhythms.  There are practice and game modes available.

Purchasing tip:

Flashnote Derby and Rhythm Swing can be bundled and purchased together for a discounted price.